Although programmatic selling was developed in response to a need for scale and price efficiency in an open marketplace. Over the next several years, private marketplaces became more common, where only those who received an invitation could complete transactions involving video inventories. This type of marketplace offered one-to-one relationships between advertisers and publishers with controlled access to high-quality inventory in a brand-safe setting. Buyers also enjoyed a more transparent environment. Today, the world of programmatic video advertising continues to evolve. One example of this is header bidding on video.
Curated Marketplaces
The curated marketplace is one of the new types of buying options that are emerging. These marketplaces are a hybrid of those open marketplaces of nine years ago and the more recent private marketplaces. One of the advantages of these new marketplaces includes the access that buyers have to carefully-selected inventory from a wide variety of publishers. Some of the factors involved in selecting the video include audience composition, content vertical capabilities, screen type and viewability. Another change that the curated marketplace has embraced is the use of header bidding on video.
Header Bidding
Video header bidding is basically a method used by publishers to optimize ad inventory. This approach can be described as an auction that is completed separately from the ad server and within the header of the web page. The header generally loads before anything else on the page and typically contains relevant metadata regarding the page, scripts, formatting, etc. This makes it the ideal location to handle new auctions. It is worth noting that, although the publisher remains in control of the auction, it actually takes place in the visitor’s browser.
Control Exchanges
Within the curated marketplace model, advertisers retain full control of the buying criteria but use a single Group Deal ID to spread a single buy across several publishers. In other words, multiple private marketplaces with campaign criteria that meet a certain eligibility can be grouped into one single buy. Advertisers can meet their goals with just one transaction, rather than spending time search separate private marketplaces and the crowded open marketplace.
Guaranteed Buys
Another change in programmatic selling is the use of guaranteed buys. This situation involves a setting where various buyers are able to reserve a certain type of inventory through a demand-side platform. The DSP is one system that offers buyers the chance to manage several data and/or ad exchange accounts with just one interface. The DSPs are vital components for the success of header bidding on video because of its real-time bidding capabilities.
Will You Benefit From an Evolving Marketplace?
These new buying options offer plenty of benefits. The options allow buyers, publishers and advertisers to experience control over both transactions and inventory. Parties on both the buying and the selling end of these transactions experience increases in efficiency. It seems that these new buying options are on their way to becoming some of the most common transaction methods. Have you tried header bidding on video? Have you completed transactions in a curated marketplace? Maybe it’s time to give these options a try.